Boot Hill 3rd Edition Resources
- When I think of a rules-heavy, Old West Rpg. The shot clock ws pretty cool but really doesn't do much of anything that 2nd edition Boot Hill doesn't do when you roll hit locations and type of wound. I've played a fair bit of Boot Hill (2nd and 3rd editions) in my time, so if you have any questions feel free to hit me up. We even tried a.
- Boot Hill Wild West Role-Playing Game (3rd Edition) Bhoritz Bollemans: Well, I saw it (and bought it immediately, though I had already scanned my own to have a pdf version), but I thought it was common knowledge, not something new.
Boot Hill 3rd Edition Character Sheet
A Wild West Role Playing Game from TSR. Set in the American West where the six-shooter is the law, this RPG recreates the adventure of gunfights, cowboys, indians, bank robbers, sherrifs, posses, cavalry, stage coaches, outlaws and good ol' hanging judges.
Boot Hill Rpg 3rd Edition
The rules assume prior knowledge of RPGs and include the basics you'd expect (character creation, stats, fist and gunfighting rules and so on) and are adjusted to suit the genre. The DM is the Judge, skills include Bartending, Wrangling, Indian Contact.
The shot clock ws pretty cool but really doesn't do much of anything that 2nd edition Boot Hill. The RPG crowd realizes that. I've played a fair bit of Boot.
A key feature is that players earn Stature for doing good/legal or bad/illegal things, but only if folk get to hear about it. Shoot a man down in a gulch, no Stature. Shoot him down in the street outside the Saloon, you're famous! Stature affects reactions of NPCs, and high Stature points will draw the young guns wanting to get a rep by shooting you down.
The 3rd edition 128pg softback book from TSR included a A2 sheet with a colour hexmap of countryside on one side and a B&W grid map of a frontier town. The book has a lot of contemporary drawings, and a real feel for the setting. There's a lot of content and background material, and any player that's watched a Western movie could jump right in. A DM could easily set up adventures and campaigns with minimal knowledge just by reading the book through.
Boot Hill 3rd Edition Review
Go West, Young Man!