Related: Surface Condenser - Surface Design - Design Conveyor - Design C Create - Design S Cricut
- License: Demo
Thermal design calculations of Shell & Tube condensers for horizontal condensers, vertical condensers including reflux condensers; main features:+Support S.I Units/English (U.S) Units of measurement, Units converter containing 23 measurements and 200 units+Import physical properties data to hot side and cold side from Microsoft Excel & from WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (included!)+Save/Load results+Export Results to Engineering Data sheet (excel, pdf formats supported) +Export Results summary to Microsoft Word or Print Results summary.
Printer (378) Registry Tools (73) Search and Replace (3) Shell Tools (54). Condenser Design is a System Utilities software developed by WeBBusterZ Engineering Software. After our trial and test, the software was found to be official, secure and free. (excel, pdf formats supported) +Export Results summary to Microsoft Word or Print. IPS-E-PR-750 'Process Design of Compressors' IPS-E-PR-755 'Process Design of Fans and Blowers'. This Standard covers: VACUUM EQUIPMENT (VACUUM PUMPS AND STEAM JET EJECTORS) This Standard covers the process aspects of engineering calculations for vacuum systems and the relevant equipment.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Date: 27-06-2017
- Size: 10075 KB
- License: Demo
This software tool is made to demonstrate the thermal design calculations and analysis of Kettle type reboilers.The software is user friendly and can be used to make preliminary sizing calculations that will help to give a clear outlook of the initial design. Below is a list of the main features:
+ Ability to use to different units of measurement, SI units and English (US) units
+ Calculation of Duty, Area, Tube length. Staries games online.
+ Calculation of number of tubes
+ Calculation of Shell Diameter by iteration
+ Calculation of Weir height
+ Calculation of Nucleate pool boiling heat transfer coefficient using two different correlations
+ Calculation of tube side heat transfer coefficient using two different correlations
+ Calculation of Velocities on the tube and shell side
+ Calculation of..
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Date:
- Size: 9277 KB
- License: Shareware
form'Z, the 3D form synthesizer, is above all a 3D modeling program, even though it also includes drafting, rendering and animation. Additional photorealistic rendering is offered by form'Z RenderZone Plus. It is a general purpose modeler that designers from a variety of different fields can use to create and visualize 3D forms. A few samples of what users from distinctly different fields are doing are shown above. For a more extensive exhibition of form路Z users' work, please visit our Gallery.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:AutoDesSys, Inc.
- Date: 18-07-2012
- Size: 443392 KB
- License: Shareware
ActiveFinish allows you to design the surface of a .Net Winforms control without leaving the Visual Studio IDE. Add a gradient background, an image, maybe a couple of text elements and even a video. Position, rotate and stretch each element individually, or as a collective layer. Adjust the opacity, color balance, hue, emboss or add a drop-shadow. At run-time, use C# or VB.Net to adjust any element or effect property to create stunning animation and roll-over effects! - Add an unlimited* number of Elements (Image, Text, Shape, Video, complex) to a .
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Dioada Software
- Date:
- Size: 4003 KB
- License: Shareware
PHex is an easy to use tool which demonstrates the thermal calculations of Gasketed Plate Heat Exchangers, The plate dimensions and materials can be entered, this includes the size of plate heat exchanger and chevron angle (25 to 65 degrees).Below is a list of main features: 1. Support S.I Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement 2. Import physical properties data to hot side and cold side from Microsoft Excel & from WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (included!) 3. Save/Load results -Results-4.
Old learning theories are still valuable if they have a baring on actual learning. Even though ‘older’ learning theories might not seem sexy in this fast paced world where 5 year old artifacts/ideas might seem antiques, those theories do cover basic, easily observable educational actions or learning: eg. Esercizi me to do bates pdf free. Repeating to memorize content.
- Platform: Windows
- Date:
- Size: 6860 KB
- License: Shareware
DFForm is a compact application that uses surfaces for defining the shape of a boat or a ship. It allows the definition of the vessel in a continuous three-dimensional way which has many advantages.
The hull form can be easily modifies at any development point. The system obtains forms better faired than any other process and with minimal errors. The surface is defined in a continue way instead of a discreet way. This fact implicates more accuracy and less errors in later processes.
The local modification of a zone is automatically transmitted to the surface, keeping the forms always faired.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:DEFCAR Ingenieros, S. L.
- Date:
- License: Shareware
Vacanti Yacht Design LLC FOIL Design and Analysis program provides a Windows CAD user interface and CAD file export for the well known Eppler Analysis code package. Valid for Reynolds Number (Less than 10 million) operation on Virtually all Sail and Power design applications. If a new keel requires the minimum wetted surface (reduce friction drag) which foil shape do you choose? NACA 63? 64? 00? A new design? Which of these foils is least likely to stall when used as a rudder? Which of these foils would work best as a high speed center board in a tri or cat? Which offers the greatest strength as a centerboard? Which foil to use as a wing mast section for low drag and high strength? Which is the best for a new sailing dinghy centerboard? Which shape is best as a keel bulb? When is a keel or rudder too thick or thin? ALL of these..
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Vacanti Yacht Design LLC
- Date: 06-11-2012
- Size: 829 KB
- License: Demo
All Correspondence & Documents Manager is an index manager software that is made to allow you to keep a track of all your correspondences and documents that you have stored on your computer or on files. The software is easy to use and have many useful and custom features which allow the user to set reminders,add documents formats, filing locations, language and numbering systems also to store memos and contacts and many more..below is a list of main features: 1-Create and maintain many user accounts with the ability have one account for access by all or separate individual accounts each have a different profile and passwords 2-Ability to add different documents types like Quotations,Invoices,Spreadsheets,Project document, Word documents.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:WeBBusterZ Engineering Software
- Date:
- Size: 6952 KB
- License: Freeware
The zip file includes the model description in a pdf file, a simulink model of the steam condenser, a function to perform Reaction Curve PID tuning and an m-file to run the model.The m-file can be used to learn how to use the Reaction Curve approach to tune a PID controler. The model itself can be used to test various control design approaches, e.g. MPC.The model was developed under R14SP3 (MATLAB 7.1, Simulink 6.3). If there is any requirement to work with previous version of MATLAB/Simulink, please drop me an email.
- Platform: Matlab, Scripts
- Publisher:Yi Cao
- Date: 08-03-2013
- Size: 113 KB
- License: Demo
The system solves constrained nonlinear parameter estimation (nonlinear regression, data, curve and surface fitting) problems based on ODEs, DAEs, PDEs, PDAEs, steady-state systems, Laplace equations, and analytical functions. A statistical analysis provides confidence intervals, correlation and covariance matrix, identification of significant parameters, and allows optimum experimental design. Model equations are defined in a modeling language called PCOMP and are interpreted and evaluated during runtime.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Klaus Schittkowski
- Date: 03-02-2009
- License: Shareware
Artisans Gardens Landscape Design Swatches B&W for Adobe Illustrator CS3, CS4 and CS5. Turn Adobe Illustrator into a landscape design tool by adding Artisans Gardens Landscape Design B&W Swatches to your libraries. After you defined your plans and elevations you can custom create any tree or shrub with the right foliage, any landscape surface including pavement materials, water bodies and ground covers to add a stunning visual impact to your design presentation. Artisans Gardens Landscape Design swatches B&W library is a perfect tool to do just that - it is a versatile collection of 196 intricate textures to create conceptually clear and visually rich layouts.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Artisans Gardens
- Date: 20-09-2012
- Size: 179 KB
- License: Shareware
MultiSurf is a rich and versatile system for parametric design of 3D geometric objects, particularly complex objects involving freeform curves and surfaces. Precise control of complex shapes: Accurate, durable joins between surfaces Parametric variation: MultiSurf updates the entire model when you change underlying objects A surface for every purpose: 30 surface types let you use the right surface for every aspect of your design (NOT limited to NURBS like other applications) Fairing tools: curvature profile and surface curvatures displays help you refine your design Export: DXF, IGES, POV-Ray rendering files, VRML; to AeroHydro programs: MSDEV developable plate expansion, MSPLEX compound-curved plate expansion, HYDRO hydrostatics, OFE offset file editor, AHVPP sailboat performance analysis.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:AeroHydro, Inc.
- Date: 05-08-2012
- Size: 75981 KB
- License: Shareware
ActiveFinish allows you to design the surface of a .Net Winforms control without leaving the Visual Studio IDE.
With the image element plugin, you can select from an image resource, image list or icon. Sounds familiar? However, with ActiveFinish, after selecting your icon you are presented with a list of available sizes and bit-depths to choose from!
All elements that contain a color property, such as the path gradient rectangle, use our new color picker with alpha channel adjustment slider
Moreover, all the integrated elements or effects function as objects, therefore any developer can modify their properties at run-time in order to generate cool animation and run-time effects.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Dioada Software
- Date:
- License: Shareware
PolyCAD is a powerful application that allows you to design a 3D boat model by using hull surfacedesign techniques. The program features an easy to use user interface which allows the extensive manipulation of geometry in 3D dimensions. The software supports the direct manipulation of NURBS surfaces, parametric hull generation and advanced techniques such as IntelliHull and X-Topology.
The user interface is a unique environment where geometry can be manipulated accurately while viewing in three dimensions including perspective.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:Marcus Bole
- Date:
- License: Shareware
SurfaceWorks is a powerful application that allows you to create models by combining solid and surface modeling. The program is designed to assist professionals from both mechanical engineering and industrial design.
The SurfaceWorks user will be able to incorporate SurfaceWorks surfaces into the design of SolidWorks parts and maintain 100% editability.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:AeroHydro, Inc.
- Date:
- License: Demo
Home design software for PCs with Vista or Windows 7, 8, 10 and dual-boot Macs with Vista or Windows 7, 8, 10 installed; makes floor plans a real snap--very easy to use. Some features of this home design program that make your floor plans easier are the duplicate tool for automatically placing rows or columns of boards, studs, trees, plywood, joists or whatever exactly where you need them, spaced on-center like you need them when you design your own home. And there's a layering system for keeping upper stories, electrical, and plumbing schematics separate.
- Platform: Windows, Other
- Publisher:MCS Investments, Inc.
- Date: 25-03-2017
- Size: 12954 KB
- License: Shareware
Condenser Design Calculation Pdf Printer Free
The ABCWebWizard Web Design Software (Windows 95/98/2000/XP) allows you to create totally customized websites easily and effortlessly through its point and click design. It is not another sophisticated text editor like every other web design application. Drivers toshiba satellite m45 windows 7. This software automatically creates graphical menus, and drop down menu based on the structure you specify, saving you time and money. It allows you to automatically change the entire design, look & feel of the website with the click of a mouse. Plus interactive java games, search engine optimization so you get ranked highly, plus so much more Create Complete Websites in seconds.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:1 ABCWebWizard Website Design Software
- Date: 01-06-2004
- Size: 5951 KB
- License: Shareware
The ABCWebWizard Web Design Software (Windows 95/98/2000/XP) allows you to create totally customized websites easily and effortlessly through its point and click design. It is not another sophisticated text editor like every other web design application. This software automatically creates graphical menus, and drop down menu based on the structure you specify, saving you time and money. It allows you to automatically change the entire design, look & feel of the website with the click of a mouse.
- Platform: WinOther
- Publisher:1 Web Design Component - ABCWebWizard Website Design Software
- Date: 21-06-2004
- Size: 5951 KB
- License: Shareware
Antenna enables you to design and develop great looking professional web sites rapidly - without any coding or HTML knowledge. Using transparent layers, master pages and pixel accurate positioning, Antenna makes web site building a visual experience - more like using an art or desktop publishing package, instead of programming. Now you can concentrate on aesthetics and design - instead of spending hours just trying to make your HTML code work - have fun and make your own web site look stunning! Antenna is a professional WYSIWYG web page editor designed for creative people.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:Stormdance
- Date: 10-12-2004
- Size: 4528 KB
- License: Shareware
Stereogram Explorer is user-friendly design software for creating high-quality hidden 3D graphics, also known as Single Image Random Dot Stereograms (SIRDS) or Single Image Stereograms (SIS) known from the 'Magic Eye' series. Stereogram Explorer uses advanced algorithms and can render animations from 3DS models. Stereogram Explorer enables import 3D models in 3DS-file format (3D Studio) and generate depth maps. You must only select 3DS file and change scene parameters as scale, rotation and camera offset.
- Platform: Windows
- Publisher:olej
- Date: 09-09-2001
- Size: 1500 KB
Condenser Design is a System Utilities software developed by WeBBusterZ Engineering Software. After our trial and test, the software was found to be official, secure and free. Here is the official description for Condenser Design: Thermal design calculations of Shell & Tube condensers for horizontal condensers, vertical condensers including reflux condensers; main features:
+Support S.I Units/English (U.S) Units of measurement, Units converter containing 23 measurements and 200 units
+Import physical properties data to hot side and cold side from Microsoft Excel. WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (included!)
+Save/Load results
+Export Results to Engineering Data sheet (excel, pdf formats supported)
+Export Results summary to Microsoft Word or Print Results summary.
+Horizontal (shell side/tube side),Vertical (shell side/tube side) and Reflux condensers thermal design.
+Full/Partial condensation (Subject to condensation model selection please visit webbusterz for more).
+Sub cooling, super heated vapor, Zone analysis, Shear Controlled and Gravity Controlled condensation (Subject to condensation model).
+Basis and assumptions that the software makes during the calculations are stated on a visible panel.
+Support single phase vapor condensation on hot side and liquid coolant on cold side, bare tubes only
+TEMA designations.
+Calculate unknown Cold side temperature, Unknown Hot or cold side flow rate.
+Triangular and square pitch tube orientation
+Detailed results displays many calculated variables such as: Duty, Area, Number of tubes, Shell/Tube velocities, flooding velocity and operating velocity for reflux condenser, Reynolds numbers, Condensation heat transfer coefficient, flow regime, Number of Baffles and Baffle spacing, Scale resistance (dirt factor), Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions, Pressure drops..etc!
+Track calculation changes from trial to another
+Basic Physical Properties estimation database included as separate software (Contains 1450 components, free with full version)
+Add your own properties in the additional user databases
+Tube counts,standard tube sizes tables,Thermal conductivities.etc
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Thermal design calculations of Shell & Tube condensers for horizontal condensers, vertical condensers including reflux condensers; main features:
+Support S.I Units/English (U.S) Units of measurement, Units converter containing 23 measurements and 200 units
+Import physical properties data to hot side and cold side from Microsoft Excel. WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (included!)
+Save/Load results
+Export Results to Engineering Data sheet (excel, pdf formats supported)
+Export Results summary to Microsoft Word or Print Results summary.
+Horizontal (shell side/tube side),Vertical (shell side/tube side) and Reflux condensers thermal design.
+Full/Partial condensation (Subject to condensation model selection please visit webbusterz for more).
Condenser Design Calculation Pdf Printer Software
+Sub cooling, super heated vapor, Zone analysis, Shear Controlled and Gravity Controlled condensation (Subject to condensation model).+Basis and assumptions that the software makes during the calculations are stated on a visible panel.
+Support single phase vapor condensation on hot side and liquid coolant on cold side, bare tubes only
+TEMA designations.
+Calculate unknown Cold side temperature, Unknown Hot or cold side flow rate.
+Triangular and square pitch tube orientation
+Detailed results displays many calculated variables such as: Duty, Area, Number of tubes, Shell/Tube velocities, flooding velocity and operating velocity for reflux condenser, Reynolds numbers, Condensation heat transfer coefficient, flow regime, Number of Baffles and Baffle spacing, Scale resistance (dirt factor), Overall heat transfer coefficient for both Clean and Fouled conditions, Pressure drops..etc!
+Track calculation changes from trial to another
+Basic Physical Properties estimation database included as separate software (Contains 1450 components, free with full version)
+Add your own properties in the additional user databases
+Tube counts,standard tube sizes tables,Thermal conductivities.etc you can download Condenser Design 1.5.0 free now.
Condenser Design Calculation Pdf Printers
Follow WeBBusterZ Engineering Software on social media:Condenser Design Calculation
What's New in Condenser Design 1.5.0 [see older]
Shell And Tube Condenser Design Calculation
Added Units converter containing 23 measurements and 200 units conversions, Condensate sub-cooling is now supported on vertical tube side condenser, Added support for Superheated vapor on Horizontal shell side condenser, Vertical shell side condenser, Ver