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El Croquis Mvrdv

<p>Allard JollesSustainable architecture and urbanism, Solar energy in architecture and urban planning and Groundscrapers and subscrapers.</p><p>design methods of</p><p>MVRDVmichael lengkey 25209009</p><p>winy maas, jacob van rijs, nathalie de vries</p><p>mvrdvMVRDV in generalMVRDVrem koolhaas (OMA)</p><p>contextual approaches</p><p>modern broad-minded and received architectural thinking approaches</p><p>le corbusier</p><p>characteristics of each clients</p><p>universal thinkingthe traditional demarcations between the different disciplines are absent innovation and creativity</p><p>emphasised the conflicting character of the various program components by weaving them together.</p><p>turning conventional architecture on its head takes on a whole new literal sense.</p><p>passion for integrating divergent uses in one by breaking away from the conventional, cellular arrangement</p><p>www.mvrdv.nl www.world architecture news.com</p><p>michael lengkey 25209009</p><p>mvrdvd e s i g n INTENTIONmirador, madrid (housing)</p><p>comfortabilitydividing in variety of different types for different life-styles</p><p>huge and uniqueto translate the social character</p><p>show of as symbol (landmark)divers program has different needs for phasing, positioning and size</p><p>dividing in variety of different types for different life-styles</p><p>www.mvrdv.nl www.world architecture news.com</p><p>michael lengkey 25209009</p><p>mvrdvd e s i g n INTENTIONdnb nor HQ, oslo norway (public buildings)</p><p>nature/environmental explore reduce energy usage</p><p>comfortability</p><p>reflect the urban context</p><p>show of as symbol (landmark)</p><p>to translate the social character</p><p>www.mvrdv.nl www.world architecture news.com</p><p>michael lengkey 25209009</p><p>mvrdvdesign methods</p><p>organizationalissue</p><p>spatial clients involved potentialdata issue</p><p>data</p><p>traditionalcollecting and comparing the idea (specialization)</p><p>modern</p><p>environmentallimitationvarious program components</p><p>Key Methods: IDENTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION</p><p>experimentation</p><p>highlightingexamined</p><p>FINAL www.mvrdv.nl &amp; MVRDV greatest hits michael lengkey 25209009</p><p>Conclusionits no surprise that the buildings of MVRDV are often described as hungry boxes, stuffed with large chunks of complex data that translate into boxy shapes that can accommodate shifting interior possibilities. at the frontline of a more ecologically conscious generation, MVRDV seek to create a more fluid relationship between indoors and outdoors, inhabitants and nature. for that purpose, light and the surrounding landscape are incorporated in the design.bukan hal yang mengejutkan bahwa bangunanbangunan/karya-karya MVRDV sering didefinisikan sebagai hungry boxes (kotak-kotak lapar) yang memuat issues/problems yang kompleks yang diterjemahkan/diaplikasikan ke dalam bentuk kotak yang mengakomodasi berbagai macam kemungkinan interior. sebuah generasi yang concern/peduli dengan lingkungan, MVRDV berusaha menciptakan lebih banyak hubungan yang lebih luwes/fleksibel antara ruang dalam dan ruang luar serta penghuni dan alam. oleh karena itu, pencahayaan alami dan lingkungan sekitar dihubungkan dalam satu kesatuan pada desain bangunan.</p><p>MVRDV have a utopian quality even though critics would be tempted to slam some of their plans as Le Corbusierinspired modernist dystopias.</p><p>architectural theories:</p><p>environmental feat good design architectural</p><p>source : www.mvrdv.nl</p><p>michael lengkey 25209009</p><p>references1. www.mvrdv.nl (18 September 2009, Pkl. 09.00-selesai) 2. world architecture news.com 3. MVRDV greatest hits (pdf format by Nathalie de vries)</p><p>michael lengkey 25209009</p><p>DANK JE WEL</p><p>michael lengkey 25209009</p>