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Is there anything built in to Windows that would allow me to list all of the installed software on a computer in a fashion that can be copy/pasted to a spreadsheet? I know there is software that can do this, but I can't install anything. I'd prefer not to use a batch file if possible, but I imagine that is going to be the only way. Ideally, I would be able to output the same information as is shown on the (un-expanded) view of the Add/Remove Programs Form.
Joel BJoel B8 Answers
Free holborn reading scale manual test sheets programs for kids near me. Fire up your console and type:
It takes a while, but you'll get the full list of installed programs. WMIC is the console version of Windows Management Instrumentation, available from Windows 2000 and onwards. Following the instructions here and here, you can tell WMIC to output in an XML format, that might be a bit more convenient for you. However just calling wmic product get name
will get you a list of application names, that you can easily copy paste to a text editor and convert to spreadsheet format.
Alternatively, enter: Busy software short keys.
This will output a TXT file with the list of programs. You can then paste that into a spreadsheet, if you want.
Source: http://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/generate-a-list-of-installed-programs-in-windows/
Also you can use the csv.xsl file to format the output into a CSV list of results:
or the htable.xsl file to create an HTML table of results:
bwDracoRun wmic product get
to get a list of installed software, it should be exactly the same list as add/remove programs.
You can supposedly get it to to output in a specific format, but I haven't tried it.
(Use wmic product get /?
to see the parameters including the output formatting, I tried to include it here but the formatting wasn't quite right.)
As others have mentioned, you can get this info with a WMI query for Win32_Product objects. PowerShell will even dump it to a CSV file for you if you'd like.
However, you should search for Win32_Product issues. It's not all gumdrops and lollipops.
WMIC won't work on a Server unless you have explicitly installed Management and Monitoring Tools
in the Add/Remove Windows Components
Another solution is to go to the Registry and look at all the Uninstallable Programs by going to:
You'll have to click each one individually to see the value, so instead, you can right click on the Uninstall
folder and select Export. Make sure that the Export Range is set to include only the Selected Branch:
Then you can open up the .reg
file in notepad++, but you're going to get a lot of extra information on each application:
You can get rid of all lines that don't start with'DisplayName'
by matching against the following regex:
Then you can remove either string'DisplayName'
or '
by matching on the following regex:
Then you can remove any duplicates lines by matching on the following regex:
Or you can just sort lines alphabetically and then delete the blank ones
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The easiest way I found is running piriform's ccleaner.
This has a button at Tools -> Uninstall -> 'save to text file'
On Windows 7 you can use a PowerShell script:
Open PowerShell by clicking Start
button and typing powershell
into the search field.
Then enter the following command in the PowerShell Window:
You can remove any of the fields: DisplayName, DisplayVersion, etc. if you don't need them.
If you want to save output to a file, use redirection:
Peter MortensenThe strawberry patch keysville ga map. Two other non-command-line solutions not previously mentioned are:
MyUninstaller - a freeware program from NirSoft that, besides uninstalling, can also export to HTML a comprehensive list of all installed software that includes a lot of additional info. It has the advantage of being portable. While it is not 'built-in', you can run it from a USB drive. You can find it here.
Belarc Advisor - a freeware (for personal use) program that does security analysis and comprehensive inventory of your computer's hardware and software. It is available here. Unfortunately, you must install it, so it does not fully meet the OP's needs, but may meet the needs of others who have the same question and are able to install.
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The encoded version in c# installed programs via registry
How to install slax on vmware server windows 7. Register to download ESXi at VMware's website. Download the ESXi installable version ISO file. Burn the ISO file to a CD and place it in the physical server that you want to install it on. The installer will load when you boot from the CD. Press ENTER to begin, then F11 to accept the licensing agreement. Next, choose a disk to install to. Jul 18, 2012 Installing Slax to USB on Windows. Insert a USB memory stick into your PC. Must be at least 256mb. Format the USB stick as FAT32 if it currently formatted with some other file system. Open the slax.tar file that you downloaded, in your archive program of choice. Extract the archive to the root of your USB memory stick. In this example, my USB memory stick is set as “I:”. Oct 11, 2006 Now, thanks to VMWare-player and this new Virtual Appliance, SLAX runs from within my ms-windows. This is very usefull for SLAX development, and to try it.
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